Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday Afternoon

Dennis just called to say that Jerry has come out his second surgery, is currently stable and is resting in the ICU unit.   

The goal of the last two surgeries (late last night and this morning) was to stabalize his broken neck--Jerry broke his C3 and C4 vertebrae.   Once the breaks are stable, they can then begin to move Jerry around a bit by changing his resting positions.

Until surgery, he was on a bed that turned his body from side to side.  As he has been conscious and talking, he was carrying on conversations with those on either side as his bed swung him in their direction.  We are all so grateful that his brain was NOT injured...truly something to praise God for in these days.

But now post-surgery, he is going to remain intubated until later this evening so that his body has some additional time to adjust to the repairs made.  Dennis and Katie will be able to see him within the hour, and he will remain in the ICU for quite some time.

Obviously the next 24 hours are critical, and the doctors have warned that the next two weeks will be extremely difficult.  With the extent of Jerry's injuries, he is facing an increased risk of blood clotting, respiratory infection and distress.  

Please join us in praying for the following:

1.  That Jerry's body would miraculously heal.   That he would continue to breathe easily and that he would remain infection free.  Pray that as Jerry comes to terms with what has happened, that he will bring the same tenacity and effort to his healing that he has brought to so many other things.  Pray that he would be filled with hope for his future.

2.  Pray especially for Katie, Jerry's mother, who is struggling very much.  Pray that she would experience supernatural peace, and that she would be able to sleep and eat, as she needs both desparately.  Ask God to surround her with hope and courage as she cares for her son, and let her feel confidence in the doctors and nurses as they care for him too.

3.  Pray for Dennis, as he is talking and sharing with the many family and friends that are calling. Pray that he would find some rest, that he would have the energy he needs, and that he would be certain of God's faithfulness to him as the days go by.

4.  Pray also for the many practical needs that are going to arise.  Gratefully, the MacCallister family does have insurance coverage, but there are many, many costs to be covered--just the costs of food and hotel stays right now are beginning to mount.  Pray that God would supply exactly what is needed each day.  

Later tonight we will post some information on how you can give to the MacCallisters.  A trust account has already been opened, and we will you let you know how to give.  But for now, please join us in praying steadily for Jerry and his family.....they feel these prayers and NEED them.

If you are able, please also email them with notes of encouragement and love--either to their personal emails or by commenting on this blog.  All six MacCallisters will be reading these posts (thanks to wireless internet at the hospital), and all are beyond touched at your kind words and prayers.  Please keep them coming!



Anonymous said...

Dennis and Katie: This message is from the July camp Tent City team of Mary, Del, Lynn, and Jetta. We pray for full healing for Jerry. We remember him as a bright young man who is full of energy and very strong. We place him in God's loving care and LORD we ask you to guide the hands and minds of those that are treating Jerry in order to carry out your will for him. We ask that your will is for speedy recovery.
May God bless you and give you strength during this time. We will be with you in prayer until Jerry is fully recovered.

Unknown said...

Hello, I just received this email and wanted you to know that our church(Victory In Christ) in Orland Ca will be praying for Jerry and everyone that surrands him. God Bless you all and his will be done..

Laurie Lester said...

Just read the update...will pass it on, plus this website. You have anything you need - just say it! With family and friends lining up, you know you are not alone in this.

God, we're praying for Jerry. We know he's in the palm of Your Hand as are Dennis, Katie and the kids. Bless them with the comfort and strength that comes only through You. Hold them close, Lord.

I love you, Laurie

Julie said...

Dennis and Katie,

Please know that you are ALL in my thoughts and prayers. I wish that I could offer you some encouraging words, or better yet that I myself could create a miracle, but all I have for you is that there is always hope, and that God exists..though we may not understand His ways. I pray for peace and healing.

Anonymous said...

Dennis & Katie,

With love and support great things happen.

Love the blog I'll visit often.

Anonymous said...

To the McCallisters: (from Leah and the Gaul clan)
I would first like to say thank you for an amazing summer a few short months ago... while I have not met all of you formally, nor do I know you all that well, I was able to know Dennis and Jerry and Katie a bit closer. From the time spent with you, I learned that you are all special and unique and were truly a blessing and a light to me throughout the summer. Whether it be at the pool or in the depths of the snack shack ;-) or even on a deserted trail, those were the memories that remain at the forefront of my mind from the summer. I am so glad and blessed to be able to remember those good and fun times. Thank you for making me feel so welcome and for putting up with me and the staff all summer :-P.
As for the recent events, please know that I and my entire family are thinking of you and praying for you ALL. I find myself at a loss for words as to what encouragement to offer... I myself don't always understand God's complex and vast plan for our lives, but I do know that He is always with us, leading us through the hard times, which is visible once we make it through. Just the fact that He never leaves us is such a comfort and strength to me, and it is mostly where my determination to persevere comes from. ... We are praying for healing, understanding, strength, trust, and above all peace, in this hard time. We will continue to read this update also... God loves you and is with you, and we also love you and think of you fondly!
You remain in our prayers constantly...
Leah Gaul and the entire Gaul clan.

Anonymous said...

Dennis and Katie: I just read the email from RCP about your son Jerry. We are in prayer for him. I am a long time RCPer (35 + years)and I know how the power of prayer can work in the lives of those connected to the camp. We will pray daily for Jerry until he is fully recovered.
Frank & Libby Cross

Anonymous said...

Dennis and Katie: I wanted you to know that I'm praying for all of you. First of all, for Jerry... that he would continue to get the best of care and that God would heal his body day by day. And I pray for the two of you and your children - that the Holy Spirit would hold you and comfort you.

I love your family so much and I'll continue to pray.

Anonymous said...

Katie, I have not met you but my mother's heart goes out to you. How precious our children are and how we love them so. I will be praying for your strength.

Anonymous said...

Wanted to let you know... my prayers are with you constantly. I am praying for God's divine hand on Jerry and for the entire family's strength through all this. Please know that I am here for you and available in whatever way I can help.

Love and Prayers,

Melissa said...

Dennis, Katie & Family,

Ryan and I are praying for all of you. Marci and Monica are keeping us posted and we're spreading the word to our prayer warriors here. Please know that you've got a huge support team around you who love you guys. Jerry's a fighter and will continue to be.

much love,
Ryan & Melissa Valentine

Ian McGinnis said...

Dear Katie and Dennis,
We are in prayer for you all. Katie, I know as a mom this must be especially hard...and heartbreaking. The thing we want most is to protect our children, that's what we do the whole time we are raising them! I think as they grow up, and in times like this, that it is where we are forced to know, and then believe, that God loves them more than we do and that He has a plan especially for their life and that His plan is trustworthy. We will pray that God will be working out all the details that are involved in this and that He will heal Jerry fully and that He will give you and Dennis His peace as He does His work! We love you guys and are very sorry for this hard time for you and your family! Love the McGinnis Family

Anonymous said...

we give all of our support and love to Jerry. praying to god for a miracle.

watching Jerry setting off the nasty boy on the track was so great to watch and also extremely funny.

with all of our love
-Kyle Unger

Anonymous said...

Dear jerry this is Shane O'Leary and Tyler Johnson we are praying for you and hope you will keep the courage up and all of us love you buddy hope all will go well with the rest of the surgeries and we all hope to see you soon..

Anonymous said...

Dennis, Katie, Josh, Janea, Jerry and Jessie: We want you all to know that we are continuing to pray for you; for God to heal Jerry completely, and for Him to continue to give all of you the strength to stay positive through this extremely trying time. Please take the time to keep yourselves healthy as well. You are a strong family and you will find more strength from God. Remember that Jerry is young, strong and resilient, and works hard to reach his goals.
Your family is constantly in our thoughts throughout the day, we love you guys and are here to help in whatever way you need. God Bless you all,

The Noces

Anonymous said...

Dennis and Katie,
We are praying for you and your family and especially for Jerry. Our God is a mighty God.
Lanny and Joyce Shorts, Truckee CA

Tamrah said...

Katie and Dennis,
Be still for a moment and gather strength from the prayers and love sent your way. Our family is here for you, whatever you should need.
The boys and I will visit soon in the meantime we will continue to pray for your dear family.
God be with you,
Tamrah, Mitchell & Nolan Pfyl

Anonymous said...

Katie and Dennis, I am very sorry this has happened to such a wonderful kid.Brenda & I have been praying for you and your family. one for a miracle of healing to happen for Jerry and also for the peace and joy for your family. We love you guys very much...

Mark & Brenda Huddleston

Anonymous said...

Still praying, God has done GREAT thing already. I'm glad you are feeling and eating better Katie. As you go through the low times I pray He holds you all in his arms and reassures you it will be OK.
The words to Jerry's song remind me of your family, always full of Love. The reason Jerry is so strong is because he has had such a good example to learn from. I think/pray for you all day. I am looking foward to the miracle God will do today !

Bud and Sandi

Anonymous said...

MacCallister Family,
The thoughts and prayers of the Dempewolf Family are with you and will continue to be with you at this difficult time.
Stu, Lorie, Allie & Tyler