Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Busy Day - Feb 25

I started to write a post last night and didn't get to finish, we had an emotional evening with Jerry in dealing with his injury. I know he would not want me to go into detail let's just say it was the first realization and outward showing of emotion. We were up very late last night so we are letting him sleep in it's almost noon and we are just now waking him up.

I have a dentist appointment to fix a broken tooth and Jessica has a scrimmage in Los Gatos. Today will be busy, I just wanted to touch base to say we will post tonight.

More later.....


Anonymous said...

God Bless you Jerry,
While you are sitting there wondering why God has put this tremendous burden on you, try to remember all who pray for you daily. Remember you are never alone. God would not want you to feel so sad. He would want you to know that He has not forsaken you.
Lord please take away Jerry's fear and replace it with peace and love. Give Jerry a light and happy heart. Give him strength and reasoning to understand what a wonderful and full life he has ahead of him. Let him see that what lies ahead is a rich life with lots of love. Let Jerry trust in You Lord. In Jesus' name we pray these things. AMEN.
Dennis and Katie,
The Lord will give you the right words to comfort Jerry when he experiences moments of dispair.
Let us all help to dispell these times by showering you all with love and prayer.
We love you MacCallisters!
The Luboff Family

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot my former FDIL, good luck at your scrimage today.
Former FMIL

Anonymous said...

I pray God's supernatural peace that surpasses all natural understanding will continually over flow over your mind and heart, and that the comfort of the Holy Spirit be released over Jerry and the family. Jesus is our rock,strong tower, and fortress, our very present help in time of need, continue to come boldly to his throne with your petitions,all kinds of prayer and thankgiving for we know that he hears our prayers.

Love in Christ Jesus our Lord

Eric said...

keep looking forwards jer

Laurie Lester said...

Dear Jerry, Katie, Dennis and fam,

I'm sorry that you had a rough day, but please don't beat yourselves up over it. We're human, created with a full range of emotions as designed by God. Jesus, himself, felt all that we feel - love, joy, anger, despair, and everything in between.

You have all been so strong for so long, and you will be again, but it's healthy and normal to feel those other feelings and to let them out. If you don't, they can pick away at you.

Pity Parties are great! Have a tantrum and get out whatever needs to get out without anyone trying to fix it or even give it credence. It's not how it IS, it's how it FEELS. Keep it about how YOU feel, not about anyone else. Be childish and verbalize all those fears and anguishes. Get mad at God - He can handle it. Cuss and cry and get it all out. You might find that each of you are pushing down a lot of the same feelings and sharing them with each other may help all of you.

Then when you're all done, remind yourselves of the truth. You are loved. You are not alone. You are not forgotten nor cast aside. You are alive and with life comes opportunities. God does have a plan for each of you. It sucks when it isn't the same as our plan, but when we're in tune with God's plan, there really is no better place to be - even through tremendous struggles.

Keep coming back to Jesus! Keep trying to fix your eyes on the path He is leading you on; though you have no idea where it is going, trust that it is good.

I love you all so much...L

Anonymous said...

We hold you tenderly in our prayers.
It is hard and frustrating and sad and real and ... We hold you tenderly in our hearts. It is tough and isolating and maddening and... We hold you tenderly in our thoughts. It is unbelievable and infuriating and static and ...We hold you, each one of you, with sacred intention.

The Proffitts

Jer - more eclairs to come. Mary

Anonymous said...

Hey family,we love you and are thinking about all of you daily. sorry about your night last night we will pray for comfort and strength. Stay strong and keep your spirits lifted. We Love you, God Bless
Josh, Nikki, Jaden,and Joel

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say we love you guy's and are still praying for god's healing power !!

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
I say Amen to what Laurie Lester wrote. It is ok to admit your pain, your feelings to God (and others). We will not judge you. we love you guys and so does God.