Friday, February 13, 2009

Thurusday, our big test

So here we are, our first big test. Our son is home. It seems like so much time has passed, yet it now feels very familiar. We slept in our own beds, cooked our own food, and dealt with the days circumstances in our own house. It feels good. Jerry seems to be responding well too. He got to sleep in late as he had no therapy or doctors to bug him,and he felt good all day. No nausea, dizziness or anything. Got him up in his chair early in the day, and he stayed in it all day with no complaints. Hooray for that. Katie and I on the other hand had a pretty busy day adjusting. I had to go down and get all his medications in the morning, and then try to figure out which ones he takes at which time. Talk about confusion, dang. Plus when we got home last night, everything we had collected over the last month in the hospital ended up on the living room floor, so we had that to deal with. They gave us stacks of papers and forms, who to call about this and who to call about that, and needless to say it was a little overwhelming. Thank God we did not have an emergency last night or we would have had a real mess on our hands. It's like when you bring home your first baby and it takes a few days to figure it all out, only this one weighs more and likes to talk back. All in all it was still alright though, and as soon as we get all organized, we will step into the next phase of our journey. Thank you again for all your love and support, we truly could not have come this far without you all.
Good night and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning my MacCallisters,
What a hectic little day you guys seemed to have had yesterday. Give yourselves time and don't think that everything needs to be done NOW!
You have all the love and support coming your way. And I know all the practical stuff that needs to be done will just fall into place and this will become part of the new daily life schedule.
Ask for our help! We will be there for you. Let us go shopping. Pick up the things you need. (I'm in Santa Cruz working today...what can I do to make this phase easier?) Do you need a Costco run? I will count out pills, do the laundry, cook and clean while you attend to "our" boy. Let some of this stuff fall on us.
Dear Lord, please give Jerry a happy and light heart today. Heal his body from head to toe. Relieve the need for all the meds and get those legs and arms moving again.
Please give Dennis and Katie strength to get it all done and the knowledge that we can all help them. Let them know they are not alone during this adjustment.
Shower Your light on them and give them the guidence they need. AMEN.
Life is good! Rain is good!
Jerry, you are a blessing to us all.
See you this afternoon. We'll be the one's with the bells on!

Anonymous said...

Santa's coming? Oh, no, it's just Gretchen ;). Hey, hey Macs! I've got a great chart I made for my dad and all of his meds that has worked really, really well. It's a visually chronological med chart, easy to make and super helpful - we take it to his doctor's appointments and they have even taken copies of it to show their other patients.

I'm so pleased you're home, safe, sound and in your own beds. Respite from the constant ins and outs of hospital folk is an elixir all of it's own - tough I KNOW they're missing you their as much as we missed you here.

Blessings on another uneventful day at home, more organizing and routine setting, and just plain comfort of home.

Love you all!


M-B M. said...

amen and amen to everything gretchen said....we are all RIGHT here for you. just yell. in fact, right now at my camp desk, i could probably hear you.


Nancy Swan said...

Hurray! It sounds like real life at the MacCallisters' house. Ditto on Gretchen's offer to help out. I'm at Safeway almost daily and Costco-know it like the back of my hand!I'd offer to cook, too, but you'd be better off with Gretchen! I'm real good at laundry, though - lots of experience.I'm also pretty used to driving carloads of boys places, so I'd love to bring a bunch over to your house (or just a couple)when you're ready for that.I'm so happy you're home. Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear that Jerry is back home. I know that myself (Chris) and the rest of the XC guys are planning on making it back to visit Jerry over spring break. God bless. I can't wait to see you guys soon!