Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday - Mar 11

Today was busy as most days seem to be lately. I don't mind busy days in fact I rather prefer them. The morning started in the usual fashion with the routine we are finally getting accustomed to. The morning routine was not quite finished when our first appointment arrived about 11:45. A wonderful woman from In-Home Supportive Services met with us today to get me signed up as the caregiver for Jerry. I'll be able to collect a wage for some of the care I do for Jerry or I can hire a care giver to come in and do some of his care, this service is going to help us immensely. The social worker Cindy was a pleasure to work with she made it so easy, there was a mountain of paper work to get through however she was so organized it was effortless.

Dennis worked on Jerry's room today and made some progress on leveling the roof/floor. I know that seems confusing, the new room is going to be built off the side of the house on top of the car port. The car port roof is slopped and needs to be leveled before it can become the floor for Jerry's room. Dennis worked on the room until about 3:00 when he went to Jessica's softball game. Jess had a game at the high school so he didn't have to go to far.

After Cindy left I made lunch and before I could feed Jerry, Cheryl our occupational therapist arrived. Cheryl worked with Jerry on some exercises for his biceps and shoulders. Jerry's left side is much stronger then his right however Cheryl said it felt like the right was getting stronger. As Cheryl had just finished charting her visit and packing her computer in her bag the doorbell rang and Dave the physical therapist arrived, they tag teamed with a high five in passing as one went out the door and the other came in.

Dave worked with Jerry and I used the opportunity to get caught up on email and a few phone calls. We have been shot down on the power wheelchair we requested for Jerry, Dennis is going to have to do some research to try and find a vendor willing to fight for the chair. If only everyone made it as easy as Cindy did, it would be nice if all we had to worry about was Jerry's care. Just another task for the ever growing "To-Do List".

Dave left around 5:ish and Jerry wanted to do some work on his computer. After getting Jerry all set up on his computer I used the opportunity to go outside and detail the new van. I've been anxious to clean up the new van but everyday is so full I haven't had the opportunity. It was so nice to be outside in the sunshine, I love being outside. I scrubbed the carpet with carpet shampoo and vacuumed and totally detailed the inside. The sun went down and I ran out of light, the outside of the van will have to wait, maybe Friday.

Next on the agenda was cooking dinner and dishes, accept I decided, dishes fagettaboutit, that sink full can wait. We watched a movie "Role Models", hilarious, then watched "American Idol".
Dennis is getting Jerry ready for bed as I post this blog, then off to bed I will go.

Jerry had great day no nausea and very little pain. The day was full but the day was good. Tomorrow we have a nurse coming at 8:30 am, ouch that's a little early. We are off to SCI-FIT which has turned into something we all look forward to very much. Thank you all for caring and for praying for Jerry and our family. Until tomorrow.....



Anonymous said...

WOW - the energy Jerry has to do all of his workouts etc. is amazing. It seems like he does much better when he is busy, so that's a good sign. I would love to hear more about Sci-Fit. It seems like that is a direction for Jerry, especially with the physical and emotional strength he has. Does he have a specific schedule set up or do you go determined by his progress with his home care?
Well, keep up the good work & we'll keep praying for positive things to keep happening to your entire family. BTW - what grade is Jessica in? We keep hearing about her softball games so I'm curious as to her playing JV or Varsity (Go Cougars!!). Hope they have a winning season.

Anonymous said...

Hi Josephine, your right about Jerry doing better when he's busy, at least emotionally anyway. SCI-FIT is wonderful it's an out patient rehab center for spinal cord injury. It's not medically based so you aren't working with physical therapists your working with trainers. The trainers are very well educated on SCI rehab. Jerry will be going on Mondays and Thursdays, SCI-FIT is not something insurance pays for so it's out of pocket, the cost is about $1,330 per month. Thank you to all who helped fund raise and who have made donations, your generosity has helped us to provide the very best care for Jerry.

Jessica is Junior and is on Varsity. We have a really good team, it should be a great season. Go Cougars!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

folk in 46-47 countries praying for you all!
Everyone please make sure to pray for that power wheelchair to come through for Jerry.
If a 19 year old quadriplegic doesn't qualify, then who does??? one wonders!!?!
I understand that there is a "cap" on equipment $ insurer will pay, but really, geesh!!!

Here is what I learned from my own experience with insurance company "denials":
This is typical of the insurance industry!
It is a known fact that insurance industry motis operandis to just say no, over & over, knowing that with each "no" - 50 50 chance that the "insured" requester - " the client!" will be worn down and go away. I am convinced that insurance industry Actuarians even calculate statistics specifically for the "just say no" business model! They WILL try and wear you down until you go away and give up! Do not. Not naming names here, but I have been told by insurance insider that "they will pay for what THE CLIENT asks them to pay for" - and that if the employer who 'bought' the plan, "the customer", writes/calls and specifically (formally) requests that they -the insurance company please pay for this xtra so and so, this one time, that the insurance company would!!!I followed her advice & I did this myself, and it worked! Albeit, not as high dollar cost as a wheelchair, it did work. I asked husband to ask his boss & company president if they would do this for us, lo and behold, the company did!!! That was a few years ago, today - who knows, AIG, not only insurer with "issues" - look for "issues" down the line with Allstate......geesh! anyway, the insurance companies are insured too -little trivia.

The insurance process, et. al. are real time eaters, frustrating.

Note: Lazy Boy Recliner in San Jose (Blossom Hill Rd) - Never returned my email to them - I took a shot & emailed them Jerry's story/need for recliner to their store's manager, way back...., and NEVER heard a word from them, no email, no phone call, nothing.
Not good public relations!
I wouldn't buy a recliner from them - or anything else for that matter, ever.

Prayers for a great day for Jerry & company today!!!! (including prayers of thank yous to all those wonderful people helping you, Sci-Fit, Social Services, et. al.)

Anonymous said...

Another fantastic day!
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy a great big "THANK YOU" from the Luboffs.
You are an angel, much like your little Andy, who I like to believe is watching over Jerry too!
Cheryl and David, keep up the good work with our soon to be back on the track Jerry!
Katie and Dennis, what a busy sun filled day. Glad you were able to get some more work done on the house and feel that sense of acomplishment.
Jerry, praying it's another pain and nausea free day. Hope you get to stand up on the machine for a longer period today with no BP problems. Keep up your light and happy heart and carry on with the strength God is giving you to succeed at SCI-FIT.
Have a safe trip to Pleasanton!
We love you all!
Gretchen and the rest of the gang.

Anonymous said...

this is an encouraging story to fallow. inspiration to many.
May God bless your lives, we will continue to keep praying for

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Jerry had a good day today that's great to hear may you have many more to come . Keep working hard on that room Dennis god bless you all :)

Anonymous said...

Curious question, who is your vendor?? I use National Seating and Mobility in Los Gatos, Karl Rohrkemper. Also, how was the prescribtion written you may need some more medically necessary reasons of why. Don't give up!!! It took me 3 years to get mediCal to approve my e-motion power assist wheels. I was approved for a manual a few weeks after the order was placed.

Anonymous said...

OOPS!!! The manual was ordered begore realize from Valley med in '04 an received Aug of '04...the e-motions were finally approved in '08 after three tries starting in '05.

Also, double check with your vendor on why it was denied and then check with Jerry's OT from Rehab at Valley.