SCI-FIT went well Jerry was in the standing frame for 12 minutes, a new record. Jerry could have stood longer however it was time to switch to the next exercise.
We never posted pictures of the new van because it was dirty and needed a wash before I took pictures. I found some time on Sunday to wash the van so I took a few pics today while loading Jerry for our trip to Pleasanton.
We have 2 new additions to the family, we got 2 kittens. Not to replace our missing cat Pedro but to fill the void his absence has left. These babies are soooo cute. I was trying to snap some pictures of them but they are too active. I would finally get them to look at the camera and just as I snap they would look away. Better luck tomorrow.
More tomorrow,
Aww kittens are so cute van is very nice and yaaaaaa not much nausea today wow what a great day it is :)
ok, so i really don't like cats (pedro was the camp cat that i liked) at all, but i'm pretty sure those are the cutest kittens i have ever seen. i will have to stop by and meet the newest neighbors this week.
i'm so so so glad the nausea was better today and that it was a standing frame record!
OK, kittens are some of God's cutest creatures - yeah, we said that about our children, too, didn't we. Well, these fuzz balls are darling!
Well, Jer, you keep it up! 12 minutes is going to turn into 15, into 20 and....Glad you had a good day!
Katie, the van is beautiful! Fine job indeed. Wanna do my car? Mary and I got home about 7 from our four night road trip to Chico and Humboldt. We had great weather - 70+ in Chico and 50+ in Humboldt. The ride home was relatively quick - stopped at the drive through tree and meandered down the Ave of the Redwoods - truly a humbling experience when you see those babies or rather daddies. We have some big trees around here, but nothing like all those groves. The Eel River was exquisite in color and volume. We really enjoyed ourselves - I will miss her come the Fall.
Anyway, she's planning a visit to the kittens... I mean Jerry :P No, really she's hoping to get by to see Jer, either Wed or Friday. I'll have her call the day before.
Hope the construction is going well - you go Dennis!
Im happy that Jerry did so well on the standing frame and has had very little nausea in the last couple days.
The van is very nice and the kittens are adorable.
Caesar and Chavez
I'll be looking for you on the road and might even give you a little beep-beep to let you know we're still supporting you all through our prayers!
I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better, Jerry!
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