Monday, July 8, 2013

Amazing News

Yesterday morning started with hyperbaric chamber therapy from 9-11am, then Jerry had a 2 hour break, it takes a lot out of him sitting in an upright position with no head support but he is doing fantastic.  I made an interesting observation yesterday regarding the results from the HBOT. Three years ago when Jerry was learning to drive his wheelchair he ran himself into the kitchen table seat bench which left a bright red mark on his shin that never went away. After 3 HBOT treatments the mark is turning color, and looks a little smaller, it's a lighter color pink now. It's interesting to note that a 3 year old bruise is finally healing.

Jerry had physical therapy at 1 then it was back to bed to rest and prepare for his stem cell injection.
The stem cells are flown in from China and arrive the day of injection. On the day of stem cell injection the other therapies are light and Jerry is supposed to rest most of the day. Injections are performed in the evenings between 5 & 7 so the patient can get through therapies and then rest and prepare for injections. Last night Jerry had his first lumbar puncture stem cell injection and the results were amazing.
Stem cells take several months to begin to repair damage in the body so it's not as common to feel an immediate response to the cells but it does happen and it's very encouraging when it does. When Jerry received the IV stem cells he didn't feel any differently. However within minutes of the lumbar puncture stem cell injection Jerry's back began to feel warm at the site of injection. The feeling of warmth slowly began to spread outward, within an hour he felt the warmth down to the palms of his hands and within 3 hours he felt the warmth down to his ankles, this is all new sensation for him.
Jerry has had full feeling in his shoulders, he could only feel firm pressure in the bicep region and had no feeling at all below the elbow. After the stem cell injections Jerry could feel pressure and light touch down to his wrists. This is so encouraging to know that he has sensation immediately after injection and the real magic isn't expected for at least 9 months down the road. Jerry will have 2 more IV injections and 4 more lumbar injections over the next 4 1/2 weeks. I'm so excited for the next round of stem cells.

As if the above wasn't enough, I have more good news, the hospital will transport us on Sundays for site seeing. They originally said yes but then recanted and said no because they need the handicap van to stay at the hospital in case of emergency. I figured out that the reason they said no was because they were expecting to stay with us and be our guide for several hours. I asked if they would just transport and drop us off, we don't need a guide and they agreed they could do this. I'm happy to say that this Sunday we are scheduled to go to the Grand Palace and Temple.  :-D


Anonymous said...

WOW!! Great news great news!! Hooray! :)

Anonymous said...

What a great day! I've tried leaving messages on here but I couldn't figure out how! Miss u guys! Cheryl F.

Deborah said...

Okay so tears of joy!! I am so happy that things are going so great:)Thanks Katie for taking the time to keep us up-dated. What an incredible experience for you both. Sounds like they've got it pretty well together over there. Jerry is a very lucky young man to have such a brave and amazing mom! Take care

Anonymous said...

this is a great information !