Friday, May 25, 2012

Moving Day

Yesterday was supposed to be moving day to Valley Med, I lost count of how many times they accepted Jerry then changed their minds because they determined he wasn't stable enough for their brain injury rehab program. It's to exhausting to go into all the details, the bottom line is bureaucratic absurdities. All I can say is REALLY? I mean Really? ....It's a trauma center that takes patients who have severe head trauma who are clinging to life and they think Jerry's not stable enough? CRAZY!!!!

With Valley Med not an option I had two other choices one in Marin which will not allow me to stay with Jerry round the clock like I've been here and the other in San Leandro which will allow me to stay with him and they'll give us a private room. Putting aside the accommodations for me I needed to choose the best fit for Jerry's needs and I feel Kindred in San Leandro is the best fit. My primary concern for getting Jerry to Valley Med was they have the best neuro rehab available, we didn't know the severity of brain damage Jerry suffered, it seemed severe in the beginning. It's become clear to me in the last three days that Jerry suffered very little brain damage if any, I feel like mentally he is close to what he was before this accident. With each day he gets better, more aware, cognizant, responsive, communicative, shows appropriate emotion, he can read, tell time, express his needs. Still we won't know the extent of damage if any until he can be evaluated and that won't be happening here at Dominican. I feel like Jerry's needs have shifted from neuro rehab being most important to ventilator and trach weaning being the primary concern. That being said Kindred in San Leandro has the best and fastest success rate for vent weaning. Once Jerry is off the vent if he requires additional neuro rehab they will transfer him to Valley Med.

Jerry is scheduled for pick up at 9am, I have about 30 minutes to get ready and I haven't even had coffee yet. Gotta run, more later.



Anonymous said...

Hope the little bear made it to you in time to take the ride with you:) If not, it's got a good home on the Critical Care desk with Sister Jeanne (sp?) this morning. I'm praying to Saint Padre Pio for you Jerry.
Katie, from the 'outside looking in' you're like Wonder Woman, only for real...Passing the word around the Facebook universe to pray for Jerry AND you.
S. Ferry

Anonymous said...

Sounds like San Leandro is a good fit for Jer.

Sending prayers to get him off the vent and down to Valley Med.

Give him xoxoxo from me.(:

Love to all,