Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Just a quick update to say not much has changed. Jerry's still in ICU, he's still on a ventilator and he's in and out of sedation. Jerry has to pass a series of breathing tests in order to get off the vent so they bring him out of sedation in the morning to see how long he can tolerate breathing on his own. This is pure torture for him, he wasts a lot of energy trying to communicate and is to stubborn to stick to yes no format. Yesterday Jerry began to fatigue after a 2 hour breathing trial, today he went 3.5 hours and could have gone much longer however he had to be sedated to place a larger breathing tube. As of right now he is still sedated and I don't think there will be any more testing for the day. If his breathing tests go well tomorrow morning they may remove breathing tube tomorrow provided his secretions are down. I'll update again if things change.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sending so much love and support your way. Jerry is a fighter and there are so many hearts pulling for him and your family. Praying for a fast recovery. <3